Sustainable Development Goals
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a commitment and an entire philosophy of MGroup long before we had had to define a CSR strategy. From the beginning our philosophy was to do our best possible work by supporting the development and well-being of the local community around us, and of course being responsible towards the natural space that surrounds our hotels. For years our CSR actions were decided based on the current needs of the markets and environments our hotels operated in. As the vision and strategy of the group is being redefined, it was time for the social commitment of MGroup to be reinstated as well.
With our CSR Strategy we align with the UN Sustainability Development Agenda and solidify our sustainability commitment by monitoring our environmental impact, adopting initiatives to support our local community and last but not least develop our people. Our motives for sustainable development originates from the family background of the company and it has been an important part in the way we work. The commitment of our top management and our employees has been our most important driving force.
At MGroup, we integrate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) created by the United Nations into the core of our sustainability work. For the time being, our company is aligned with the following SDGs number 8, 12, 13, 15. These goals form our key framework of our social and environmental activities as they help define our action plans and give us a clear vision of what we want to achieve in the near future
Our key framework of our social and environmental activities will focus on three levels of influence: taking care of our people and guests, protecting the environment and supporting the local community.